We had a very popular Pasture Update Day on 5th March, with 95 people registering.  54 attendees submitted feedback forms, of which 47 were producers.  We felt that the day went well and the feedback confirmed this (62.5% excellent, 29.2% very good and 8.3% good).

We had a problem with the power point slides being projected on the screen in daylight.  We rigged up two large TV screens at either side so the audience on the sides had a good view.  This is an ongoing problem that is hard to address in our venue.  This was the biggest attendance that we have had at an Information Day, the previous biggest was 75.  The car park paddock was full.

NSW Grasslands Society sponsored the day and Meat and Livestock Australia contributed some funds.  A very big Thank You to both organisations.

A very special thanks to our speakers.  We were very proud that they accepted our invitation because they are top of their respective fields.  Additionally, we knew they would communicate well with farmers because they either are farming themselves or have a great interest in farming.

The speakers have kindly supplied copies of their slides which can be seen by clicking on the links below.

Helen Burns – Soil Acidity

Richard Hayes – pasture soil interface

Adam Little – Grazing Management

Gordon Refshauge – Sheep

Hutton Oddy – Cattle

Thanks too, to our neighbours, Brian and Noelee Taylor, for offering to take visitors around their sheep farm.  As we found, the most valuable demonstration is where you have made mistakes and learned lessons, not necessarily the perfect paddock.

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