

About Our Bulls

Our sires are selected for temperament, structure, growth, muscling plus the Supermarket $index. Calving ease is essential, not only for our own management but importantly for the bulls we sell. We do not tolerate calving problems in our bulls or females. Many of our clients use only one bull so it needs to be used on heifers. We look to breed bulls that produce calves that are not necessarily small but are easily passed, causing no calving problem but then are capable of explosive growth. A simple assessment of the bull’s Breedplan data is a good guide. We look for animals whose Birth Weight EBV is no more than 10% of the value of the 400 day growth EBV. All our bulls (and the great majority of our cows) meet this criterion.

Because we run our heifers on a different property, each year we select a bull to be used over the heifers for spring calving. This is often a top young bull used for that joining only and then sold. We usually collect semen from the heifer bull to ensure we have more of his genetics in case he is proven to be something really special.

We have a super battery of bulls with strengths across the board. In the bulls’ details we show the Estimated Breeding Values in histogram form. A value midway or a 50 percentile is average for the breed. Values to the right are above average and to the left below average. We hope that these graphs more clearly show the relative strengths (and weaknesses) of our sires.

The link immediately below shows our AI sires on the Murray Grey semen catalogue webpage. Our current walking sires are individually listed further below, followed by reference sires, including our AI sires:


We stand behind the bulls we sell

Cadfor Falcon N2 (PB) (ET)

Cadfor Falcon N2 (PB) (ET)

Current Owner Birth Date 01/04/2017
Actual BW 
Growth to 200 days
Weight at 22/5/2018 (14 months)

Cadfor Falcon N2 is the product of an embryo transfer program that utilised Helena’s favourite female line, Cadfor Beroleanne D138.  We chose Falcon F33 because he had proved successful in other herds and he was an outcross.

Falcon N2 is a standout performer in the Murray Grey breed and has been for six years.  On scanning at 13 months, Falcon N2 had an eye muscle area of 100 sq cm which was outstanding.  He is now in the top 1% of the breed for 200, 400, 600, mature cow wt, plus the carcase attributes EMA, carcase weight, and RBY.  He is in the top 1% for all the Murray Grey breed $indices.


Woodbourn Roebuck R86 (PB)

Woodbourn Roebuck R86 (PB)

Dam Woodbourn Miss Mandi N39 (PB)
Current Owner
SNP 1346776  
Genetic Condition Status  AM-F  NH-F CA-F MANOS-F  NT821-F 
Birth Date 10/08/2020

Woodbourn Roebuck R86 was purchased for $21,000 at the 2022 Woodbourn sale. He is a good natured bull and easy to handle. Initially joined to autumn calvers here, he then went to our agistment block with that mob.  He was subsequently joined to our T heifers.  In May 2024, two yearling sons were awarded Gold Medals at the South Coast School Spectacular.


Cadfor Thaxted T113 (PB)

Cadfor Thaxted T113 (PB)

Sire Cadfor Destiny D71
Dam Cadfor Ester M324
Current Owner
Genetic Condition Status
Birth Date 01/08/2022

Cadfor Thaxted T113 is a very dark grey bull that we think will prove to be an influential sire.  He is quiet and easy to handle.

Thaxted offers superior growth with better than 10% of the breed at 200, 400 and 600 days.  He has excellent carcase credentials with EMA, carcase weight and yield in the top 5%.  His financial indices for all 5 criteria are at the top 1% of the breed suggesting that he will prove valuable and versatile for all markets.

His BW was 42 kg, he weighed 310 kg at 5 months and he was weaned on 7/4/23 weighing 382 kg. When scanned at 11 months he weighed 460 kg, his EMA was 85, fats 4 and IMF 5.1.  His dam carried NT821 and had very little fat.  We think that his EBVs for fat were influenced by this and his data might improve somewhat when his progeny are analysed.

Thaxted T113 was joined to 13 S heifers in November 2023 for 3 weeks.


Woodbourn Stuttgart S96 (PB)

Woodbourn Stuttgart S96 (PB)

Sire Mount Major Quantum Q1 (PB)
Dam Elwarra Sands Roxanne Q321 (PB)
Current Owner
SNP 1604893
Genetic Condition Status AM-F  NH-F CA-F MANOS-F  NT821-F 
Birth Date 12/08/2021

Woodbourn Stuttgart S96 was purchased for $10,000 at the 2023 Woodbourn sale.  He is a smooth, deep bodied, grey bull that we chose because of his superior growth with excellent carcase traits. He is in the top 10% of the breed for carcase weight and marbling.  He has grown into a very large bull, topping 1,000 kg at 3 years of age.  His feet and structure are excellent.  We are looking forward to seeing how his 2024 drop of calves develop.


Cam Grove Xman L16 (PB)

Cam Grove Xman L16 (PB)

Current Owner
Genetic Condition Status AM-F NH-F CA-F
Birth Date 27/03/2015

Xman L16 was purchased at the October 2016 Cam Grove sale where he fetched the top price of $15,000.  We picked him as the ideal bull to put over the daughters of Banksia Ridge Harry.  He was an excellent outcross for all our females with only about 2% inbreeding coefficient.

Xman ranks in top 10% of the Murray Grey breed for birth weight, calving ease,  eye muscle area (EMA), fat and IMF.  He is in the top 1% of the Murray Grey breed for his Supermarket and Breed Replacement $Indices.

Xman provided us with some versatility in sire selection – he continued the thrust of our breeding program to produce cattle that are easily born, grow well with superior carcase but with his calving ease we used him over heifers.

Xman was super quiet and easy to handle.


Banksia Ridge Harry H1 (PB)

Banksia Ridge Harry H1 (PB)

Current Owner
Genetic Condition Status
Birth Date

Harry’s carcase credentials are excellent.  His Eye Muscle Area (EMA), fat and IMF EBVs are in the top 1% of the Murray Grey breed as are his Supermarket,  Grass Fed and Breeder Replacement $Indices.   He has superior birthweight, gestation length and calving ease.

Harry was placid, easy to handle.and his calves were likewise.

Harry was sold to Tasmania to the Cam Grove stud where we anticipated he would provide their stud with the same exciting progeny as we had at Cadfor.  Congratulations to John Young and family on their purchase.


Cadfor Tungsten T121 (PB)

Cadfor Tungsten T121 (PB)

Dam Cadfor Bobo Q8
Current Owner
Genetic Condition Status CA-Free by InheritanceBVDV-NegNT821-F
Birth Date 03/08/2022

Cadfor Tungsten T121 is an interesting bull.  His sire, Cadfor Destiny D71, made a great impression on us.  We have not had any bull that was easier to handle.  We only collected Destiny’s semen because we were sending his sire, Willalooka Arthur A598, for collection because his first collection attempt failed the freeze/thaw test.  Destiny went because there was little additional cost and for company, as they were good mates.  The quality of Destiny’s offspring, such as Tungsten, made the whole exercise very worthwhile and gave us the opportunity to reintroduce some of Willalooka Arthur’s qualities.

After viewing by New Zealand breeder, Barry Macdonald, Tungsten has been tested and semen collected for use in New Zealand.  Barry requires a silver bull to join to black dairy cows for dairy beef production.  The silver bull passes on a copy of the diluent gene so his offspring are grey, which differentiates them from the dairy replacements which are black.

Tungsten has very good pigment around his eyes.  Many silver Murray Greys have very pale eyelids and eyeballs which predisposes them to get cancer.

Tungsten has superior Breedplan attributes in all areas.  He offers easy calving, superior growth,  top 10% for carcase weight, eye muscle and IMF.  His $Indices are about top 10% of the breed.  We look forward to seeing how his progeny perform.


Willalooka Arthur A598 (PB)

Willalooka Arthur A598 (PB)

Current Owner
Genetic Condition Status
Birth Date

Arthur was purchased at the 2007 Willalooka sale where he was the top priced Murray Grey bull. Arthur’s full brother, AM B425, was the top priced bull at the 2008 sale.

Arthur’s calves impressed us with their calving ease, temperament, uniformity, growth and structure. His daughters proved to be outstanding mothers – easy calving, quiet, maternal and excellent milkers.  Arthur’s Breedplan figures improved as his calves’ performance figures were analysed.

Arthur combined superior growth data, moderate birth weights with positive carcase traits.  Arthur’s progeny had sufficient fat to get them through the freezing winters we were having.  Arthur ensured the fertility of his offspring (top 10% for scrotal and gestation length) and their successful birth (top 10% for birth weight, calving ease direct, calving ease of daughters and gestation length).

Arthur was an extremely docile, placid bull and very easy to handle, despite never having been grain fed, shown or haltered. He was structurally sound, maintained his condition easily and weighed 1170kg.

A frustration with Arthur was that his semen never withstood the freezing and thaw process required to store his semen.  His current excellent Breedplan figures reflect the superior value and relevance of his offspring which we are now bringing back into our breeding strategies.  For nostalgia we maintain the video we made of Arthur accompanied by Arthur’s theme.

Having made such a valuable contribution to the Cadfor herd, leaving a legacy of quality sons and daughters, Arthur was sold to a commercial breeder in the Crookwell area.


Cadfor Destiny D71 (PB)

Cadfor Destiny D71 (PB)

Current Owner
Genetic Condition Status
Birth Date

Destiny’s dam, Willalooka Y997, was judged Supreme Exhibit against all breeds at the 2011 Crookwell Show.

His birthweight was 38 kg and he grew at 1.30 kg per day to 200 days.

Destiny was used over heifers for an autumn 2011 calving. His calves averaged 31 kg and all were born unassisted. We were impressed by these calves – some heifers were retained and calved. He was subsequently sold to a commercial breeder where he was used very successfully for some years.

Cadfor Destiny D71 was used by AI with calves born in 2013 and 2022 at Cadfor and at Mount Major Murray Greys.  He has produced some very handy bulls which have bred on well in other herds.

Destiny has superior attributes for growth (about top 10%) and calving – in top 10% for birth weight, gestation length and calving ease direct and for daughters.

He was a placid bull like his sire. Very limited stocks of semen available details herecontact us.

