Our sires are selected for temperament, structure, growth, muscling plus the Supermarket $index. Calving ease is essential, not only for our own management but importantly for the bulls we sell. We do not tolerate calving problems in our bulls or females. Many of our clients use only one bull so it needs to be used on heifers. We look to breed bulls that produce calves that are not necessarily small but are easily passed, causing no calving problem but then are capable of explosive growth. A simple assessment of the bull’s Breedplan data is a good guide. We look for animals whose Birth Weight EBV is no more than 10% of the value of the 400 day growth EBV. All our bulls (and the great majority of our cows) meet this criterion.
Because we run our heifers on a different property, each year we select a bull to be used over the heifers for spring calving. This is often a top young bull used for that joining only and then sold. We usually collect semen from the heifer bull to ensure we have more of his genetics in case he is proven to be something really special.
We have a super battery of bulls with strengths across the board. In the bulls’ details we show the Estimated Breeding Values in histogram form. A value midway or a 50 percentile is average for the breed. Values to the right are above average and to the left below average. We hope that these graphs more clearly show the relative strengths (and weaknesses) of our sires.
The link immediately below shows our AI sires on the Murray Grey semen catalogue webpage. Our current walking sires are individually listed further below, followed by reference sires, including our AI sires: